The ancient Egyptians created arguably the most stable, long lasting, unchanging, and distinct cultures in history. This culture was built around a vast pantheon of animal/human gods. Some historians and modern people believe that the ancients were ignorant and dim-witted people compared to today's people. I believe that the ancients were just as intelligent as today's people; the fact remains that for well over 2,000 years this advanced civilization worshiped and believed in falcon headed people, hippo-headed ladies. I believe this may have had to do with either habitual and routine use of drugs by individuals in Egyptian society; or demonic worship... or is that too strange? Nevertheless, I believe there is more to the story of the Egyptians worshiping and maintaining belief for over 2,000 years in thier strange Gods.
( all miniatures are 28mm foundry egyptian miniatures)
Oscar these are fantastic! I wish I had the talent to paint minis as good as these. How long have you been painting?
I'm reading a great book at the moment, Graham Hancock's 'Supernatural', talking about ancient use of hallucinogens such as psylocybin (mushrooms) and ayahuasca, that produced visions of therianthropes (animal-human hybrids). I think drug use is a distinct possibility. Blue lotus was the Egyptian drug of choice I think?
Graham says that a lot of that cave-art, depicting animal-headed beings, is in this case at least, depictions of Shamans in trance states. It's an interesting read..
Cool blog! Thanks for the comment on mine.
Oh damn. Never have I felt more dwarfed in my ANCIENT WORLDZ skills than I do now... lol.
Love the blog. The minis look great and I personally like the photography of your collections. Nice work...
This are really cool figurines, and awesome paint job. I was surprised that you didn't enter in to the realm of the Book of the Dead.
Chariots are fantastic.
At some point during his campaign against the Persians, Alexander the Great's enemies (I think in this case the Scythians) attached blades to the bottom of their chariots in an attempt to sever the legs of his troops. That's something I found really interesting, but almost frightening in its brutality.
I wouldn't be too surprised to find out that the Egyptians were under some hallucinogenic influence - similar things have been discovered about the Viking 'berserker' troops, since recent evidence points to them using drugs to enter a trance-like state in order to feel no pain in battle.
...And you'd have to be on something to believe that a jackal-headed God is in charge of your soul.
Your painting is amazing!
Ive been doing warhemmer for about 2 years now and my painting sucks compared to yours!
LOVE egypt! I have a very strong bond with egyptian things and they feel like my home.
Cheers for the comment anyways
And it wud be great to talk sometime :D
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